Pine Butte School Memories

The Pine Butte School, west of Bozeman on Norris Road, was built in 1895 and served as a community grade school until 1955.

In 2003, Richard W. Burkenpas published the 188-page, “Pine Butte School – A Photographic History and Chronicle of the Community” which, in addition to a detailed history, includes photos and reminiscences from former Pine Butte students and teachers.

Burkenpas, who attended Pine Butte school from 1942-1950, was kind enough to share excerpts from his book. Here are just a few Pine Butte gems, thanks to Dick and the Pine Butte community members who participated in his project:

Pine Butte School Class of 1939, from Ivy Burkenpas album

“…the teacher, Mrs. Ethel Taylor, and her students pose for this class picture. …The teachers at Pine Butte School had to teach all eight grades and did not specialize by teaching only one grade. Each teacher at Pine Butte had to be knowledgeable in all subjects such as math, English, American History, World History, science, music and art. Students who graduated from the eighth grade at Pine Butte were among those receiving the highest grades in state entrance tests. A testimony to the teachers and students that attended this one room school in Gallatin County.”

Pine Butte School Class of 1944, from Ivy Burkenpas album

Pine Butte School Class of 1944, from Ivy Burkenpas album

“When this writer looks back and remembers those first few years of school there are certain things that stick  in his memory. The first thing that comes to mind when looking at this picture is the bib overalls. This writer did not like to wear them and felt that only little boys wore them and that I should wear regular blue jeans and a belt like my dad. It was to no avail, no one listened to my words of dislike, I wore bib overalls like all the young students. To my saving, Peter Anderson finally wore blue jeans to school and I was saved. I finally got my first pair of non-bib jeans.”

Pine Butte and Monforton School 4-H Square Dancing Team, Courtesy Wesley Burkenpas

Pine Butte and Monforton School 4-H Square Dancing Team, Courtesy Wesley Burkenpas

“…some of the Pine Butte students in 4-H joined with the Monforton school students who belonged to the same 4-H club, and learned how to square dance. They participated in a Square Dance competition during the Winter Fair and took second place in the county.”

“Peter Anderson and Patty Pacovsky, right side, are still dancing while Patty Figgins is now leading Robert Mitchell through their next step. Looks like Wes Burkenpas and Patricia Anderson are just looking on again, maybe Wes is getting the idea to do like Peter and move his feet a little.”

Pine Butte Birdie Chorus Group

Pine Butte School Birdie Chorus Group, 1939, courtesy Ernest Todd

“The teachers at Pine Butte were always creative in keeping the interest peaked for the students. They alternated the classes, provided different art projects, read to all classes, entertained with music and at various times had different students present a play.

This group of talented young Pine Butte students in 1939 are dressed as “birds of a different color”. Eleanor (Todd) Kinyon, her brother Ernest Todd and Barbara (Burkenpas) Evans remember their mothers spending hours cutting out the feathers from construction paper and gluing them to an undergarment.”

(shown L to R: Stanley Todd, Evelyn Skank, Ernest Todd, Barbara Burkenpas)

Pine Butte School Valentine, 1942

Pine Butte School Valentine, 1942, Courtesy Peggy Blankenship

Valentine’s Day was among the many holidays that Pine Butte School students enjoyed celebrating in grand style. When Peggy Blankenship removed the cubicles from her old rolltop desk to repair it, she discovered this valentine, a bit crumpled, where it had been hidden away for 59 years.

The photos and excerpts above are just a wee sampling from the “Pine Butte School” book by Richard Burkenpas, with acknowledgments to Margaret Dusenberry, Barbara Evans, Patricia Pruitt, Peter and Connie Anderson, Milo Todd, Peggy Blankenship, the past teachers of Pine Butte school, and all those who contributed their memories and mementos.

After graduating from Pine Butte School, Burkenpas went to high school in Bozeman, served in the US Army Engineers and completed his education to become an Electrical Engineer. Though he now lives in Washington, he returns regularly for Pine Butte reunions and continues to update and add to his chronicle.